2008년 4월 27일 일요일

Summary & Commant 6

It was first time after mid-term. We learned about Human-Computer interaction(HCI).
The key-point is that People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people. We learned a history of HICI as tools. There are many things we have learned before. So it was very familiar to me.
And it was very interesting that Movingsketch. It looks like Haptic;cellure phone made by samsaung. As we touch it , it moves to the direction we touch. So I was very interested. That was really interaction between human and computer.
Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people make sense of their social world. Ethnomethodology is a fairly recent sociological perspective, founded by the American sociologist Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s. The main ideas behind it are set out in his book "Studies in Ethnomethodology".
HCI is very diverstiy I think. And it is very exciting and important part. But it was difficult to me. But it is the part that I really want to know more.

2008년 4월 14일 월요일

Summary & Commant 5


We learned about "Artificial Intelligence" this week. And we saw a part of movie whose title is A.I. A.I means Artificial Intelligence.
Alan turing is Founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay man. But he died early.
Turing’s “imitation game” . It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.
planning as a technical problem.... GPS is a computer program for theorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing. We can see HanoiTower also.


I saw AI many times. It is one of my favorite movie. Artificial Intelligence is very interesting. When I was young, I saw an animation made by Japanese. It was about artificial intelligence racer car. It was very fresh to me at that time. Maybe that's the reason that I became interested in artificial intelligence.
Next week, we have mid-term. I'm so so so worried about it... and a little nervous..

2008년 4월 6일 일요일

Summary & Commant 4


This week, we learned about social networks. This week, we have lots of relationship map and friendster. There is an example of them. It is using CYWORLD. Someone draws relation map by analyzing cyworld users' relationship.

We specify social networks as science,technology,popular culture,and art.

- social networks as science:
field,definition,history,equivalence,centrality,bridges,social capital,
bowling alone.

Definition : It is just definition. It can be changed!.
History : There are many relation map.
Equivalence : If A and B is structurally equivalent, they have equivalent
positions in the network.
Centrality : center position in the network.
Bridges : like a bridge between boy and girl !
Social capital : bridging capital - Connecting separate networks.
bonding capital - Being central to a network.
Bowling alone : united states citizens no longer know or trust their eighbors
and thus communities have lost their social capital. It is so sad.

- social networks as technology : email, newsgroups, and weblogs / search engines.
- social networks as popular culture : Kevin bacon - bacon number.
- social networks as art : Relation map looks like a work of art!!


This lecture is very interesting. There are many relation maps also!
They are fun to me. And it looks like an art!!. I think that I understood this lecture most than ever before. But not 100% ... I get better more and more.